BBA Update: Annabel Given The Boot, Nando Disqualified!

It seems that 2013 is just not the year that Kenya wins BBA.Our remaining contestant Annabel who has constantly  escaped eviction was yesterday booted out of the BBA house together with Zambian Sulu after nine weeks in the competition.Annabel was the other half of the Kenyan duo that consisted of her and socialite Huddah Monroe.

The East Africa block ( Kenya Uganda and Tanzania ) could not save the lass this time,with Annabel getting only 3 votes out of the 15 as compared to Sulu and Elikem who got 6 votes each.Elikem survived as he had a higher average percentage across all countries than Sulu.

It was a double blow for  East Africa as Nando was disqualified for the heated fight between him and Elikem.This was Nando’s third strike after a dramatic history in the house with him even sleeping with scissors under his bed.This strike was due to him making threats against Elikem’s life.He said ‘I feel like stabbing him.A Nigga like that deserves to die’.That was a huge Mistake as biggie unceremoniously kicked out the young lad.BBA house has a zero-tolerance policy on violence related issues with Elikem getting served  a first strike.

Since Annabel and Nando are no longer in the house the pressure is now on Feza as she is  East Africa’s last chance at bagging the 300,000 US Dollars.


About this writer:

Sue Watiri