BBA Stargame Update: Tanzanians Help Save Prezzo!

This past weekend was a tough one for Kenyans as they witnessed two of their own go up for eviction, barely weeks away from a possible win in Africa’s biggest reality TV show, Big Brother Stargame.

Prezzo and Malonza were put up for eviction and countrymen went all patriotic in a move to help save Kenya’s representatives. It was truthfully a tall order to save both of them considering the whole of Africa was voting for their interests but at least it proved there was some support for the celebrity.

A look at the voting patterns however will show that the only other country to vote for Prezzo was Tanzania. Interestingly, Zambia voted Malonza to stay in and Namibia opted to keep Lady May in the house.

Here is how Africa voted this week, bidding farewell to the couple that was Junia and Malonza.

Here’s who each country voted for:

Angola: Junia
Botswana: Lady May
Ghana: Goldie
Kenya: Prezzo
Liberia: Goldie / Lady May
Malawi: Kyle
Namibia: Lady May
Nigeria: Goldie
South Africa: Lady May
Sierra Leone: Lady May
Tanzania: Prezzo
Uganda: Kyle
Zambia: Malonza
Zimbabwe: Lady May
Rest of Africa: Goldie

The totals were:

Lady May = 5.5; Goldie = 3.5, Prezzo = 2, Kyle = 2, Malonza = 1, Junia = 1. (Total: 15 Votes)

About this writer:

Kevin Oyugi