Barack Obama’s Celebrates His 54 Birthday, Here Are Some Of The Birthday Wishes From Kenya.
He is not in the entertainment industry, but that has not made him any shade less the most electrifying man in the history of the American presidency. Barack Obama celebrates his 54th birthday today, only a week after he left Africa after what was the most spectacular visit to Africa from a serving American President.
As expected, Birthday wishes have trickled in generously, Long live the President. Here are some of the best Messages today:
Boniface Mwangi @bonifacemwangi Aug 1 Nairobi, Kenya
l attended a conversation hosted by @BarackObama earlier this week. He is one fit 54 year old. Happy Birthday @POTUS.
Kalekye Mumo @KalekyeMumo
Kalekye Mumo retweeted Shaffie Weru
Happy Birthday @POTUS @BarackObama much love from #254 on @Kiss100Kenya Kalekye Mumo added,
Shaffie Weru @ShaffieWeru
@POTUS Happy 54th from @Kiss100Kenya @KalekyeMumo #kenyasnewkiss #TMK Age is a case of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it don’t matter
Dr. Choppo @drzgraham 3h3 hours ago
Happy birthday to @BarackObama ! aka 2 Termz aka The first Black President. Gimme free college before you leave office pls. Thanks. Luv u.
Capital in the Morn @984inthemorning 2h2 hours ago
Happy birthday President @BarackObama, from your @POTUS approved best mix of music! #POTUSFM