Bamboo Opens Up About Sex. Read His Shockingly Profound Revelation Here

When I heard that Bamboo was saved, i was of the line of thought, “Again?” but when you take the chap’s family history into account, it is just a case of the prodigal son and all that. Then came the news that he has decided to change his name to Abraham Bamboo. Meh. Uncle Chim Tuna wants music, not Prince tings.


Then I came across this profound statement he made about sexuality and sex and I was moved enough to share it. Check it out below:


“What God showed me about SEX. The sex act may feel physically amazing but the truth of the matter is that we as human beings are spirits,we have a soul (mind,will and emotions) and we live in these physical bodies made amazingly from the soil of the earth. During the sex act the soul of the man is intertwined with the soul of the woman. The 2 literally become one. Whatever spirit the man may be carrying is transferred to the woman and vice versa. When 2 spirits join together sexually the union is so powerful that another spirit is pulled from the Spirit of God (to create another soul through love) who 1st breathed the breath of life into Adam Genesis 2:7″And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground , and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life ; and man became a living soul.” When God breathed into the man Adam (meaning “of the soil”) He gave man his spirit and then man became a living soul. During sex,the union of the 2 spirits transfer to each other love and emotion and everything spiritually transferable including blessing and/or cursing. A curse can be any form of spiritual bondage from poverty to sickness and disease to demonic habits acquired from other sex partners or by generational curse (if the forefathers of the individual were cursed for one reason or the other). The only way the blessing is transferable is within the covering of marriage: Proverbs 18:22″Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the LORD.” However outside of marriage, sex is a spiritual act of satanic obedience (because sin is the act of disobedience to the commandment of God,sin becomes obedience to satan). Obedience to satan results in the opening of the human being’s “spiritual door” and the attraction of demonic influence upon the spirit-man of the sinner. Just like obedience/praise to God will attract the Spirit of God-psalms 22:3″But thou art holy , O thou that inhabitest the praises of your people.” It follows that obedience to satan will attract demonic influences. These demonic entities will enslave a man’s (or woman’s) spirit and drive them to commit the act over and over again. That’s why Jesus said in John 8:34″Jesus answered them , Verily , verily , I say unto you, Whosoever committeth sin is the slave of sin.” That’s why the sexual temptation is one of the most powerful. It’s actually spiritual slavery. A sex addict is a spiritual slave and if you could see the spirit-man of this slave you could see the chains on his/her arms,legs and neck. You can try to come out of those chains by yourself but you are only deceiving yourself. Only Jesus can break those chains. John8:36″If the Son therefore shall make you free , ye shall be free indeed.” The reason that sex is the number 1 most advertised thing on tv,magazines,books,websites,social media,movies,sitcoms,comedys,fashion etc is because it has the most potent power to create addicts and enslave,this makes it a big money-maker since slavery has always been big business,sexual slavery is no different. This is the social arm of satan’s social,political and economic system of oppression on the human being. That’s why the wise-king Solomon said in proverbs 6:32″But whoso committeth adultery with a woman lacketh understanding:he that doeth it destroyeth his own soul.A wound and dishonour shall he get;and his reproach shall not be wiped away.” If you put glue on a sheet of paper and stick it to another sheet of paper it will stick,if you pull the two sheets apart they will separate but you damage the two sheets. Some of the 1st paper will stick to the 2nd and vice versa. The quality of the paper is also degraded. This is the condition of the hearts of many of my children. They do not understand how degradation brings poverty,disease and death. Thats why without Jesus there is no hope for them. That’s the truth of the matter. I hope this message finds them before it’s too late. If they die in chains,they will spend eternity with the god they obeyed during their lifetimes in hell. I do Not send men to hell. Man’s decisions send him there. Hell is real, it’s in the core of the earth.psalms 74:20″Have respect unto the covenant : for the dark places of the earth are full of the habitations of cruelty . ” Judgement set is judgement eternal. If you’re still breathing its not too late. Once your heart stops beating-game over. Make a decision or a decision will be made for you,and that decision will not favor you. I had to choose too. May the reader choose quickly and wisely. Time is almost up. Peace,
Abraham Bamboo”



Indeed, as one of the comments on his post stated, 

Marc Anthony's photo.

About this writer:

Nwasante Khasiani (Writer)