Badass President! President Uhuru Brandishes A Lethal Machine Gun (Photos)

Am bringing the war to you! The head of state has sent a strong signal to enemies of the state!

President Uhuru touched down at JKIA last Sunday from his trip to Addis Ababa for AU Summit where he called for a mass walkout of African States from the ICC.

The President’s first assignment upon jetting back was to equip the state’s security apparatus with state-of-the-art war machines.

Kenya imported Armored Personnel Carriers for the Kenya Police Service to enable them increase their mobility and protective gear when deployed in volatile areas.

The commander in chief made his way to the GSU headquarters to commission the armored personnel carriers.

Unye didn’t just wave the flag to signal the launch of the vehicles, he boarded one of them and took on the heavy machine gun mounted at the top of the vehicle and wielded the deadly machine gun as if warning bad guys their days were numbered.





About this writer:

Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere