“Babu Owino Is A Tragic Case… An Empty Head” Robert Alai Dismisses Babu Owino As An Opponent
Babu Owino has been on the campaign trail for a parliamentary seat from the moment he defended the SONU Chairman seat.
He is now focused on battling it out for the Embakasi East seat. It is the same seat that blogger Robert Alai is targeting and when the question was put to him (Alai) whether Babu Owino was a threat, the answer was interesting. He was bullish and dismissive of such a comparison dismissing Babu as an empty head and terming himself as inspiring.
Here was the exchange;
Daniel Karoki You now feel threatened by Babu Owino in Embakasi East
Robert Alai Onyango Ooooh fools. I don’t feel threatened by empty heads who sell drugs to destroy lives. I inspire the downtrodden and impact their lives. I don’t drown poor students in swimming pools and blackmail businessmen. I don’t launder money. I love honesty. So don’t even put me in the same sentence with such a tragic case.