Ati Mobile Salary Advance!! New App That Gives People Mobile Loans Within A Few Minutes Gets Kenyans Rushing To Borrow

Mara hii hakuna kusota! A new app that gives mobile loans of any amount has rejuvenated broke Kenyans!

There are other mobile applications that give you loan BUT the amount they offer you is dependent on your usage of their services.

Unlike other mobile loans, Co-Operative bank has come up with an application that gives you money without those ‘restrictive’ conditions.

Any customer with a Co-op salary account can now get a mobile loan of up to 150% of your net pay. In simpler term; if you earn Ksh 50,000 a month, then you are eligible to get a Co-Op bank mobile loan of Ksh 75,000 any time of the month.

All you need is to dial *667# to apply now or via Co-op bank’sMCo-op Cash app.

By the way there is no facilitation /processing fee required with Co-op bank’s mobile loan. And even juicier thing about Co-op bank mobile loan is that the interest rate on mobile Salary Advance has dropped to 1.16% per month.

And what’s the duration for repaying the loan?? Repayment is within 1-3 months.

People are already rushing to borrow with Co-Op bank loan. What are you waiting for…

About this writer:

Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere