As Oliech Struggles To Get Work And Cash, Here Are His Former Peers Who Are Wading In Billions And Living Large
Oliech is struggling both to get play time and given this is his main source of income, he is also struggling to sustain his flashy lifestyle. Things are really not looking up for this former ace.
This is not an obituary to a fabled career of Kenya’s all time top scorer but it is difficult to avoid having it read as such. This was a golden boy, arguably the most naturally gifted talent in this side of the region for a long time.
He had quite a career but it did not pan as many expected including the dream move to EPL, but even that did not hamper him financially as the average footballer earns what most mortals can only dream about. His lifestyle and discipline did, pretty sadly.
As he whiles his time along with home boys, his current peers, here is a look at the stars who at one point Dennis Oliech was mentioned in the same breadth as.
Back in 2004, the Guardian did a list of the world’s most wanted/coveted youngsters it was a list of nine young highly talented players and it included Wesley Sneijder then 19 yrs as Oliech, 18 year old Wayne Rooney and the Brazilian duo of Robinho and Diego, 20 year old Van Persie among others.
There was a 2006 list of the most exciting players to watch and Dennis Oliech featured among names that have gone to become superstars in the game like Nasri, Fabregas, Messi, etc.
Unfortunately, even without suffering major injuries, Oliech just never hit the dizzying heights and h rather goes into the sunset not raging but limping towards it as his once peers rake in millions and open up business like Cristiano Ronaldo’s new project the four 5 star hotel chains.
You just hope it will not end up in another serikali saidia story. If not for anything at least for that goal against Cape Verde or for the numerous moments he lifted the national team with stunners like the one below;