Another Expose By KTN: Government Knew Terrorists Would Strike Garissa University But Did Nothing… Chilling Narrations Of How Authorities Ignored Early Warnings

Less than four weeks ago the country woke up to devastating news that Garissa University College, a constituent of Moi University, had been taken hostage by unknown gunmen. The bitter reality could later hit us that the situation had worsened and by the time the RECCE Squad made their way into the college, more than 146 people had lost their lives.

It was the doing of the Somalia-based militia group Al Shabaab. Many families had lost their loved ones majority of them being students whose only mistake was to pursue education in the porous North-Eastern region of the republic.

And as the victims are being paid their last respects, KTN has once again delved into the whole incident as it happened, and in their expose last evening, Terror Foretold, they revealed how the authorities ignored several warnings issued about an impending attack.

Survivors from the terrorist attack revealed the chilling experiences they went through after the terrorists struck, with their blame going to the government for neglecting them.

Police officers who spoke to KTN journalists said that every warning that was issued was ignored by their superiors, clearly showing that they could be having a hand in the massacre.

Some of the students who survived narrated how the terrorists knew every corner of the university, clearly telling that they were members from within the community or perhaps the institution itself. They knew where Muslims and Christians stayed and this made it easier for them to separate and kill at will.

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It was also revealed that police bosses in the area ignored information presented to them when the terrorists were spotted with guns in Garissa town the day before. They even refused to allow their officers to conduct patrols in the area before the ill-fated day came.

This badly exposes the lapses in our security organs that have jeopardized every effort to secure Kenyans and their property. Those who spoke to KTN blame corruption and ethnic inclinations for the continued terrorist attacks in the country.

The country now is in the mercies of few people who trade Kenyans’ lives with money and other goodies. It was also revealed by a police officer that even the gun detector at the border was removed on the 18th of March, 2015 following orders from above. The question is, Why would anyone order gun detectors to be removed from the border?

Survivors also narrated that while the terrorists killed students, they reminded them that all the weapons they were using were Kenyan weapons: the guns, the bullets and everything. This again leaves many unanswered questions. Where did they get the weapons? Were the terrorists Kenyans? How did they manage to assemble all the weapons without authorities knowing?

The expose has since elicited hot reactions from Kenyans, with many clearly expressing their displeasure at the government. It is one of the chilling exposes that have ever been done in this country.

About this writer:

Edward Chweya