Anne Kansiime Is A ‘Man’!
Uganda’s arguably funniest comedian, Anne Kansiime, has left many TOTALLY transfixed with her new manly look.
Caitlyn Jenner, formerly known as Bruce Jenner, made the world realize one could change their gender if they aren’t satisfied with the one the maker gave them.
Wait a minute, Kansiime haven’t changed her sex just in case you were thinking along that line. She is just aping men.
Just like our very own Kelvin Mwangi best known as Shaniqua who is fond of donning ladies’ clothes, Anne Kansiime is also doing the exact opposite.
The Ugandan was spotted in men’s gear and boy, she looked waaaaay cooler than Octopizzo with his light up sneakers.
The comedian spotted blue a New York Yankees hat, black t-shirt, golden watch, baggy blue pants and Supra sneakers. Super cool and ‘handsome’!