Amazing Photos Of Teresia Wairimu’s Lavish New Church That Even Uhuru Kenyatta Declared The Best Church In The World

“We serve a rich and generous God…Halleluyia!

That is a refrain and a call you always get to hear in any church as they announce their blessings and preach prosperity. Well, Reverend Teresia Wairimu just put an Amen to that with the unveiling of arguably the biggest and most lavish church in Kenya.

Over the weekend, all roads led to the new home for Faith Evangelistic Ministries in Kenya. It was a grand ceremony for a grand church. The dedication service unveiled to Kenyans a ‘Five Star church experience’ even Solomon would have been proud.

From the mammoth sanctuary, the seats and podium, the comfy seats and the illumination, the congregation lacks for nothing. Here are photos of the church:















About this writer:

Liatema Munyu