Amani’s Take On Vera Sidika Bleaching

There has been a raging fiery debate in Kenya following Vera Sidika’s bleaching/skin lightening procedure.

There are those that feel that it’s her life and what she decides to look like shouldn’t bother us others however are feel that her decision to change her look is too extreme.

Amani was recently interviewed by Ghafla and had this to say about Vera’s bleaching saga:
“Whatever you are doing to achieve your agenda, you do it do it as long as you do not cross my path. That’s my policy on everything but as an individual I would not do it. I love my skin color.



Adding that” Bleaching for me is the same thing as plastic surgery, in my opinion it’s the same as plastic surgery. I would prefer to embrace what God has given me, but if you feel you are not happy with it, there are consequences to all these things which are kind of scary.”


About this writer:

Sue Watiri