Alfred Olango, a 38 Year Old Refugee with Mental Illness Gets Fatally Shot In California in the Increasing Wave of Police Brutality against Black People in the U.S.A

Eric Garner, Philando Castile, Tamir Rice, Alton Sterling and now Alfred Olango. All victims of police brutality in the increasing wave of violence against black people in the U.S.A.

Alfred Olango met his death after his sister called 911 three times after noticing that her brother was behaving erratically. But this call proved fatal as the police shot down the mentally ill man in the streets of El Cajon, San Diego, California.

Witnesses and Olango’s family said that the police came and tasered Olango before shooting him severally.


His sister Sarah who was with him at that time told Alfred not to put his hand in his pocket and asked the police not to shoot the brother .But they did.

“I did not call the officers so they could kill my brother in front of me. These people just messed me up for life. How are they just going to shoot my brother just in front of me? And I told them why can’t you use a taser gun? Shoot his legs!”A tearful Sarah said.

Following this incident protesters have taken to the streets of El Cajon in protest over this death.

About this writer:

Sue Watiri