Al Jazeera Highlights Alleged Racism Against Kenyans On

Al Jazeera pride themselves with having a stranglehold on the Middle Eastern media market and they decided to branch out. The stranglehold was thanks to heir exclusive footage from terrorists and Iraqi and Afghani fighters.

 Now they do stories that appeal to the entire world. And they are giving CNN a run for it’s money everywhere else other than in America -naturally. Anyway, they recently highlight what they allege could be a racist Halloween mask that reminds me the shameful and disgusting days of “black-face” acting.

The offence novelty mask is a black mask tht pretends to be a realistic representation of a black African Kenyan’s face. Check it out below:




Looks a little like former Prime Minister Raila Odinga come to thing of it but that’s just my opinion.

This story was highlighted by twitter bigwig @Sickolia

About this writer:

Nwasante Khasiani (Writer)