Ahmed Darwesh Bashed Spoilt Girls In The Last Article He Wrote On The Nairobian Newspaper

He was a seasoned news anchor but not many knew he could also write as well. Ahmed Darwesh’s last article was a lesson to ladies.

The fallen KTN anchor was a man of few words on screen but on the newspaper, Ahmed Darwesh freely spoke his mind.

The deceased was a columnist for The Nairobian and it came out clear that he was also a love doctor in the last article he wrote on the newspaper.

“Wasichana wa leo hawawezi hata kuchemsha mayai” (Modern day girls can’t even boil an egg) Darwesh titled his article.

The fallen columnist bashed spoilt dot com ladies saying most marriages and relationships are in a limbo because girls can’t cook.

“Wengi wameshindwa kuzidhibiti ndoa zao na hata uhusiano wao kutokana na kuwa na mapenzi chapwa! yasiyokuwa na uhai.” (Most people can’t manage their relationships/marriage because of unhealthy love.)

“Wasichana wengi tunaoishi nao katika jamii ya kileo hawafai hata peni. Labda ni kutokana na mazingira wanayoishi au uvivu wa kisasa umewatawala kiasi ya kwamba hawajui hata kupika chai ya rangi, wala kuchemsha mayai, kwa kuwa kila kitu wanafanyiwa na wafanyikazi wa nyumbani.” (Most modern day girls we live with in today’s society are not worth even a penny. Maybe it’s because of the environment they were brought up in or maybe they have been possessed with modern laziness that they can’t even prepare strong tea or even boil an egg; because everything is being done for them by the house help.)

Click the link below to read full article Ahmed wrote:

Modern Day Girls Can’t Even Boil An Egg

About this writer:

Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere