After The Sad Death Of Actress Nana Gichuru,Here Are 8 Other Celebrities Who,Just Like Nana,Correctly Predicted Their Own Death. Number 5 Is Shocking.

One of the more frustrating aspects of dying is the fact that no one has any idea when death will claim our existence in this world. The future is partly to blame for death’s inscrutable nature because of the fact that we exist constantly in the present, preventing people from predicting anything with complete certainty.

Just because people aren’t supposed to be able to predict their own death doesn’t mean that it hasn’t happened. Maybe by coincidence, perhaps through a mystical connection to psychic realms that defy science and reason, a few people have managed to accurately predict when they will pass away. While some use math and art to predict how they will die, others have simply made offhand comments that end up tragically becoming reality.

 Actress and speed junkie Nana Gichuru,driving her BMW convertible sports car,died yesterday morning after a grisly gross collision with a lorry on the crowded Eastern Bypass.

And in no time,Twitter and almost all of social media was filled with messages of condolences and still more messages of critics pointing out various Instagram posts she had made that clearly alluded to her pending death. It’s called premonition. And Nana had had so much of that in the lead up to her grossed out death.

But she isn’t the first to correctly predict her own death. Many more have done that.. Especially celebrities and free birds like her…

Check this out…


 Mikey Welsh,The former bass guitarist for rock band Weezer,tweeted “Dreamt I died in Chicago next weekend (heart attack in my sleep). need to write my will today” before tweeting “correction – the weekend after next”.

Those tweets occurred on September 26th, 2011. In Chicago, on October 8th, 2011,which is less than a month later,Mikey Welsh was found DEAD in his room by hotel staff after he didn’t check out of his suite at the Raffaello Hotel. A search of his room revealed prescription medication and a substance suspected to be heroin. The suspected cause of death was a heart attack brought on by an accidental drug overdose. Only 12 days after he tweeted about his death. And even tweeted about the reason for his death-Heart Attack!



 The “27 Club” is a notorious term that refers to the surprising deaths of famous musicians during their 27th year, including Janis Joplin, Brian Jones and Jimi Hendrix passing away between 1969 and 1971. The fourth to suddenly die during this era was Jim Morrison,who was well aware that his crazy rockstar lifestyle was catching up to him.

After Janis Joplin and Jimi Hendrix died in 1970, Jim Morrison was hanging out with friends. He commented “you’re drinking with number three” in a sarcastic tone of voice. The rock legend passed away the next year due to causes unknown. He was 27. And he ultimately joined his friends Janis,Brian and Jimi all of whom had died of drug overdoesea at 27. He predicted he’d die at 27. And an year later,died at 27.



 Jimi Hendrix was one of the best and most renown guitarists of the sixties,playing the instrument as if it was just another biological appendage and becoming famed for some of the most amazing live guitar performances ever recorded. Including the iconic Woodstock Festival of 1969.

Just as his guitar skills transcended the boundaries of body and soul, Jimi was also a talented lyric writer. Two years before he released his first album, Ed Chaplin remembers Jimi showing up at two in the morning at the recording studio to lay down a new song that he (Hendrix) had just written,which finished with the following lyrics:

Many things he would try /
For he knew soon he’d die /
Now Jimi’s gone, he’s not alone /
His memory still lives on /
Five years, this he said /
He’s not gone, he’s just dead

The song, called The Ballad of Jimi, was recorded in September,1965. Incredibly,Hendrix passed away on September 18th FIVE years later due to accidental asphyxiation while on barbiturates. Jimi,on his song,sang that he’d die FIVE years later. And indeed,FIVE years after that song,Jimi died. Aged 27. Damn.



 Abraham De Moivre grew up in a middle-class French during the turn of the 18th century, the son of a surgeon who operated out of Vitry-le-François. Due to his father’s steady income, he was able to attend a variety of schools, eventually becoming an excellent mathematician and scholar, responsible for developing innovations in probability theory and analytical geometry.

One of the most famous calculations he made involved predicting the date of his own death. After monitoring his sleeping patterns, he determined that he was sleeping an additional 15 minutes every evening, deducing that he would die when his sleep totalled 24 hours.

Somehow, his logic worked, and on the 27th of November in 1754 he passed away just as he predicted.



Pete ‘Pistol’ Maravich,an American,was one of the greatest college basketball players of all time,averaging 44.2 points per game and amassing a total of 3,667 points. He quickly became one of the best ballers in the NBA,earning his place in the Naismith Memorial Hall of Fame and a spot on the list of the 50 greatest players in NBA history.

In 1974, Maravich was 26 and had been playing in the NBA for four years. He was at the height of his career, but didn’t feel like basketball was all there was to life. In an interview with the Beaver County Times, Maravich said, “I don’t want to play 10 years [in the NBA] and then die of a heart attack at the age of 40.”

After a terrific,decade-long career playing in the NBA, Pete Maravich passed away at the age of 40 in the middle of a pick-up basketball game after collapsing without warning due to a hidden heart defect. He actually died after a 10-year career in the NBA. and also died of exactly what he had predicted to his friend; Heart Attack.


 Mark Twain is one of the most famous American writers in the history of literature, tackling issues such as racism and poverty while maintaining a sharp sense of wit and humor. The Mark Twain Prize for American Humor is the most prestigious comedy award in the United States, a reflection of his status as a lion of letters.

 In 1909, Twain joked that the next time Halley’s Comet passed close to Earth, he would “go out” with it. He didn’t mean romantically: The comet had last been visible from Earth in the year Twain was born, 1835, so he claimed it would be the “greatest disappointment of my life” if it didn’t also pass at the time of his death. According to Twain, God must have said, “Now here are these two unaccountable freaks; they came in together, they must go out together.”

 As you might know,Halley’s Comet visits us once every 76 years and is only visible from Earth for a couple of months at a time. This means that at the moment of Twain’s humorous prediction,the comet was due again in the following year; and what do you know, it showed up on April 20, 1910. The next day,Twain died of a heart attack.  Immediately after the comet had appeared. He died just as he had predicted-and wished. 



 Christopher Wallace, better known as Notorious B.I.G., was one of the biggest East Coast hip-hop icons and considered by some to be the greatest of all time, winning acclaim for his smooth, seemingly effortless flow and flawless delivery.

His hit debut album was titled Ready to Die and his second release was called Life After Death, which not only reflected urban violence but seemed to hint at foresight of his own demise.

The track Suicidal Thoughts takes place in the form of a desperate phone call to a friend as the rapper describes the dark thoughts running through his mind, eventually stating “I swear to God I fell like death is f*****’ calling me.” He would become a victim of a drive-by shooting in Los Angeles, passing away in 1997.



 Former Major League pitcher Frank Pastore spent the 1980s suiting up for the Cincinnati Reds. After his baseball career ended,he eventually parleyed his status as a sports celebrity into a daily radio talk show about religious matters.

The last show he broadcasted featured a discussion about mortality, with Frank saying, “you guys know I ride a motorcycle, right? At any moment, especially with the idiot people who cross the diamond lane into my lane… at any minute, I could be spread all over the 210.”

 About three hours after he said that, Pastore was riding his motorcycle on the 210 freeway when a 56-year-old woman driving a Hyundai Sonata drifted into his lane and collided with his bike. Pastore fell on the freeway, just as he’d predicted during his show, suffered massive head injuries, and died a month later after being in a coma. And no, the woman wasn’t an angry listener trying to show him up: His death was ruled accidental.


Rest In Peace,Nana.

About this writer:

Cabu Gah