After recently Showing Off his Brand New Range Rover, Donald Kipkorir’s Posh Mercedes Clamped By City County Askaris After He Failed To Pay Parking Fees (Photos)

How can a multimillionaire fail to pay parking fee which any tom dick and harry can comfortably afford??

Has Donald Kipkorir all over sudden become broke after buying a top of the class Range Rover?? The flamboyant city lawyer crossed paths with kanjos after he failed to pay parking fee.

Nairobi City County askaris clamped Kipkorir’s posh Mercedes Benz after he failed to pay Kes 300 which is the standard parking charge.

Photos of a kanjo clamping Kipkorir’s Mercedes have gone viral on the internet. One photo shows the showy lawyer standing close to his clamped car in his fancy suit as if negotiating with a kanjo who was nearby.

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Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere