After Clearing His Hospital Bills, Jaguar Visits Jimwat In Hospital (PHOTO)
Earlier this week, word broke out that Jaguar had settled Jimwat’s medical bill. This was after the rumour that Jimwat had been in a horrific accident was confirmed by Ghafla and we found out that due to financial constraints, Jimwat’s mother was seeking financial assistance to clear the bill and allow Jimwat to undergo reconstructive surgery.
A procedure that is key to him ever regaining the ability to walk again. And Ghafla has managed to get a picture of Jaguar paying Jimwat a visit and you can see from the look on Jimwat’s face that this wasn’t just another photo op. He is actually genuinely happy to see a friend for is it not said that a friend in need is a friend indeed?
Good stuff. And just as we are getting to Christmas. It seems good cheer and generosity are qualities Jaguar carries along with him all year round.