Advertisers Already Using Ruhila Adatia’s Death To Market Their Products On Facebook

So Ruhila Adatia was today found dead as a result of the hostage situation at Nakumatt Westgate. Unfortunately, for some people, this means a business opportunity.

A Facebook page called R.I.P Ruhila Adatia was set up three hours ago, and it has already garnered over 17,000 likes by the time of writing. Looking through their posts, it seems like this death has been turned into a commercial opportunity. See for yourself:



One of the first posts from the page says, “Let’s share and join her over at KenRoi Limited in celebrating a life well lived.” Clearly a sponsored post for a company named KenRoi. Do you think this is going too far, ama biz ni biz? Leave your interesting responses in the comment section below:

About this writer:

Adam Wagwau (Writer)