Ace Writer Clay Muganda Bows Out of Nation

As one of the leading writers in Kenya, illustrious Clay Muganda has curved a niche for himself as a boisterous columnist whose readers find attention-grabbing despite his unusual modest mannerism.

And now after close to 10 years giving you Claycourt in the Daily Nation, Muganda has bowed out.

In his last piece yesterday, “Bye folks! You have been great”, Muganda wrote, “When this column turned 500 weeks old, I went on and on in a 900-word piece, thanking readers and non-readers alike, and in my unusual modest manner, almost apologised to many who might have been hurt by some of the pieces.”

And added, “That was 11 weeks ago, meaning that today, this column is nine weeks short of 10 years… and I have both good and bad news for the most valuable readers who have stuck with me, or rather, with Claycourt, since August 20, 2004, when it first appeared in the Weekend magazine pullout.”



Photo| Daily Nation

Muganda concluded the last issue of Claycourt saying, “…but my very special gratitude is reserved for Mutuma Mathiu, the group managing editor, a fine gentleman and wonderful human being who deserves a lot of respect. Dear readers, this is the last issue of Claycourt in the Daily Nation. Cheers!”

Even though he didn’t disclose where he’s headed, sources reveal that his next home is the Standard.

About this writer:

Jeff Omondi (Writer)