A Talented Group Of Posh Londoners Hit Nairobi Ahead Of A Music Concert On Saturday. #TheSoundOfBoneym
Legendary Londoner Shyla Bonnick, a member of the popular Boneym musical group touched down in Nairobi last night ahead of a promised “mind-blowing concert on Saturday at the Safari park hotel.
The sound of Boney M featuring Shyla Bonnic promises timeless music at the Safari Park hotel on Saturday. A joyous, profound genre of music to take you back in time to the 70’s when music spoke volumes and touched the center of the soul.
The Sound of Boney M featuring Sheyla Bonnick is a version of the iconic Euro-disco group Boney M Who were famously known for their chart topping songs such as Rivers of Babylon, Daddy Cool, Brown Girl in the Ring among others. They are offering Kenyans who missed a chance back in the day to relive the 70’s in music.
While in Kenya, the group plans to visit game parks, sample Kenyan cuisine as well as detail Kenyan Fashion.
Tickets to the Gala can be bought online from Kaymu at only 6,000 kenyan shillings.
Below are photos of the group at the press conference:
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