A Disgusting Traitor! How Robert Alai Set Up The Likes Of Nyakundi And Other Bloggers To Be Arrested In Order To Buy His Own Freedom
Last January, the government cracked its whip on errant keyboard warriors, remember the likes of Yassin Juma, Dikembe Disembe, Nyakundi etc getting arrested? Well, there is more than meets the eye in the case of bloggers’ arrests!
‘Misuse of licensed telecommunication gadgets’ was the term used by authorities last January to summon bloggers to CID headquarters.
A total of 8 bloggers had a date with the police, Senior Counsel James Orengo represented the bloggers when they recorded statements with the CID.
Well, well, well, Twitter Bigwig has come out with a ‘dossier’ that shows the dirty trick played by one Robert Alai.
A vexed Nyakundi has labeled Alai a ‘disgusting traitor’ to fellow bloggers. The twitter bigwig says Alai duped bloggers arrested and summoned by the police.
He says Alai’s claims that Orengo would represent them (bloggers) pro-bono was a big lie as he (Alai) wanted to leverage all other keyboard warriors to be arrested so that he could trade them for his freedom.
Nyakundi says Alai is a double agent who is working for his own selfish gains. The blogger also dragged Boniface Mwangi’s name saying he plays the same trick as Alai.
Crowd-Sourcing For Change, Welcome To Twitter Beyond Robert Alai And Boniface Mwangi
Hollow men with egos the size of a small islands is what Robert Alai and Boniface Mwangi are. Together with a few others who have always peddled their twitter influence to corporate or donor groups for personal gain like Ory Okolloh, we are now fully convinced that these individuals are double-agents, planted to to abilise discourse meant to trigger Government response or Citizen action.
For instance, sometime last month Robert Alai went to the press and announced that lawyers James Orengo and Harun Ndubi would represent all bloggers pro-bono, after they had been summoned by the Police at DCI HeadQuarters off Kiambu Road. Turns out that it was a lie, and Alai wanted to leverage all other bloggers to be arrested, so as to trade them for his freedom. He was setting them up. A disgusting traitor to the cause of freedom and a just society, who never participates in hashtags he didn’t create. It was thus an insult by BBC Radio Service to invite Robert Alai for an interview as regards to #DeportRutosPilot yet the blogger only joined the fray much later after the initiative went viral. Nyakundi wrote in part.