School In Kisii Is Set On Fire A Few Hours After Education Minister Matiangi Leaves

Life can be quite ironic at times and students of a Nyamache High school in Kisii just showed exactly that to the Education CS .

Fred Matiangi was in Kisii all bossy and sounding ultimatums to schools and the students warning them they will face the burden of burning schools. This was said during a visit to Nyamache School where he was among the guests contributing in a fundraising to help the school build facilities.

However, the minister must have still been on his way to Nairobi when the students of the very school he was a guest at went on strike. Barely three hours after the CS had left the institution, the students set a dormitory and administration block on fire.

It becomes the fourth institution in Kisii to have students striking setting buildings on fire. Matiangi had previously come under fire for his new stringent regulations which many including the KNUT Sec Gen Sossion had attributed to the increased strikes in the school.

About this writer:

Liatema Munyu