After Moses Wetangula,Here Are 8 Other Famous Men Who Have Been Beaten Up Senseless By Their Wives. Number 7 Is An American President. Wow!

Moses Wetangula may be the invincible CORD Principal who has survived many political battles and trounced many a political foes in his illustrious career as a politician. But there’s an area where he doesn’t seem to quite get his way-His home.

Couple days ago,it emerged that Hon. Wetangula was involved in a nasty bust-up with his wife. Things were so bad that both were ultimately nursing injuries even ending up in the same hospital and the same police post to find emergency treatment and report the violence respectively.

And when the police moved in to arrest one Anne Waceke Wetangula,the woman Wetangula is married to and the woman he claimed gave him a serious beating,injuring his limbs and neck,Wetangula stopped her arrest. In a bid to save himself from what was quickly becoming a dirty,embarrassing spectacle.

Twitter,the home of trolls,was quick to cash in on the unfortunate incident and hilarious memes of a badly beaten Wetangula,complete with bandages and blood across his face,filled our Twitter timelines.

Poor man.

But is Wetangula the first public figure to receive a thorough ass whooping from his wife? Is Anne the first public figure to thrash her man senseless? Hardly.

History is replete with women-very famous ones at that-who wouldn’t resist the urge to beat up their men,scratch them,slap them,box them and blast them up.

Here,let’s take a look…Number 7 might become THE MOST POWERFUL WOMAN IN THE WORLD.

1. Elin Nordegren

Elin was the Swedish girlfriend of legendary pro-golfer Tiger Woods whom she had married for 5 years and had been blessed with two kids together. But around 2009,things in the Tiger Woods household started falling apart. Tiger Woods was cheating on her. Infact,his cheating had become so deep,so endemic it was revealed that he was cheating with over 20 women at a given time. When Elin Nordegren found out that Tiger Woods was cheating on her, she reportedly got physical with him – and not in a fun way. She is reported to have scratched up his face,roughed him up and beaten him in the living room and when he tried to make a quick escape in his expensive SUV, she reportedly came after him with a golf club. As he tried to drive away, she struck the SUV several times with the club even hitting him on the head with it and that’s what caused the pro golfer to hit a fire hydrant and a tree,damaging his car. Given all the lying and cheating that Woods did,we’re surprised Nordegren didn’t do more damage in her fit of anger.

2. Whitney Houston

She was one of the greatest-if not the greatest-vocalists who ever walked the face of the Earth. She was even famously nicknamed ‘The Voice’ by television mogul Oprah Winfrey. And he was also a fairly successful singer. Of some fairly popular band. Everyone knew Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown had a really dysfunctional relationship. We already know that he was charged for hitting her; however, what most people don’t know is that she did most of the hitting in that relationship. And that’s according to her own admission,“Contrary to belief, I do the hitting, he doesn’t. He has never put his hands on me. We are crazy for one another. I mean crazy in love, love, love, love, love. When we’re fighting, it’s like that’s love for us. We’re fighting for our love,” Whitney Houston famously told AP admitting to be the one who beats up her man. And not the other way round. Whitney was famous for her classic quotes. But not even the infamous ‘Crack Is Whack’ quip could beat this one. Rest In Peace,Nippy.

3. Brenda Harvey

You’ve probably never heard of her. But she was once married to the creator of the greatest pro-Africa anthem that has ever been made. She was married to Lionel Ritchie,a hugely popular African American singer and the creator of ‘We Are The World’. Lionel Richie’s ex wife Brenda Harvey beat him up seriously when she caught him having an affair back in 1988.

Rumor has it that the adoptive mother of Nicole Richie actually caught her husband in bed with another woman in a Beverly Hills hotel room. She reportedly pretended to be room service, forced her way into the room and then violently attacked them both beating them up to a point of throwing them off the balcony. Harvey was subsequently arrested for spousal abuse, trespassing, assault towards the other woman and vandalism. That entire situation sounds really messed up. And it was really messed up.

4. Kelly Brook

Now,this is a daring woman. Wait until you know who she beat up. And why. Kelly Brook doesn’t seem to see anything wrong with hitting her boyfriend. Or boyfriends. During an interview to promote her memoir “Close Up” on “This Morning,” she laughed about punching her two ex boyfriends, Jason Statham and Danny Cipriani. According to the brunette, she hit Cipriani after he gave his number to a stripper and Statham after he embarrassed her somehow at Madonna and Guy Ritchie’s wedding. “In my defense, I don’t think [Statham] felt it,” she said. “He’s a martial arts expert.” Well Jason Statham is THAT guy who stars in the widely popular action blockbusters The Transporter,Spy,The Expendables,Fast And Furious and Wild Card among many other tough guy flicks. Now,imagine beating THAT guy up. Whoa! You must be made of steel man. Clap for yourself Kelly. You’re lucky you didn’t get your neck broken. And spine crashed.



5. Mary Todd

According to Michael Burlingame, a history professor at Connecticut College and the author of “The Inner World of Abraham Lincoln”, Mary Todd,Abraham Lincoln’s wife, used to beat the hell out of Abe Lincoln.

Apparently, one time, Abe didn’t put enough wood on a fire, so Mary Todd hit him with a log. Another time, Abe didn’t buy the right kind of meat for breakfast, so Mary Todd smacked him in the face and drew blood.

By all reports, he hated his marriage; in 1864, he pardoned a Union soldier who abandoned the Army to marry his childhood sweetheart… and, while signing the pardon, Lincoln said, “I want to punish the young man. Probably in less than a year, he’ll wish I had withheld the pardon.”

It should be remembered that Abraham Lincoln was one of the greatest,actually the GREATEST American President. Ask Barack Obama. This is the man who abolished slavery. Wait.. Who beats up such a man? Who? A crazy bitch. That’s who.

6. Mary Woodson

In 1974, a few years after he became a giant star, Al Green was at his girlfriend, Mary Woodson’s, house. She was married at the time… but, naturally, she started a fight with Al when he told her he wasn’t also going to marry her. Yet she was already married! Wow.

To get away from the fight, Al Green,the great American crooner,hopped in the shower… while he was in there, Mary took a pan of boiling grits and dumped them over the top of the shower door. It gave Al third-degree burns on his back, stomach and arms.

Then she shot herself with his gun… and he realized his life was out of control and decided he needed to get back to God as quickly as possible. And then became Born Again. And is now known as Rev. Al Green. Still,the guy who gave you the classic hit ‘Let’s Stay Together’.

7. Hillary Clinton – US Presidential Candidate

In the biography of Hillary Rodham Clinton called “Hillary’s Choice”, it is written that Hillary used to routinely beat Bill Clinton, including one time after the terrible Monica Lewinsky scandal broke.

In a stranger, earlier incident, in 1993,Hillary, then a First Lady,scratched Bill’s,face with her nails and left bloody marks on his chin. That happened after she got upset after Bill invited legendary Blues singer Barbra Streisand to the White House.

Hillary was afraid Bill was cheating on her with Barbara,a famous and iconic American singer and composer. Yes,even potential Presidents DO get jealous.

8.Mrs. Artest.


Ron Artest is pure crazy. One of my favorite anecdotes ever about an NBA player is that, after his rookie season with the Bulls, Ron Artest took an off season job at Circuit City so he could get the discount. So the fact that he attracted a female that crazy isn’t all that surprising.

In 2002,Ron Artest’s girlfriend (who was five years older than him, and the mother of two of his children) admitted to smacking Artest around.

That happened right around the same time Ron was accused of stalking a different woman and leaving her threatening messages.

It was about two years before he started the brawl at the Palace of Auburn Hills, though… and about three years before he was suspended by the Indiana Pacers because he asked for a month of vacation time to promote a R&B album he was producing. Man I love Ron Artest.

Basketball never got so interesting.

Get well soon,Wetangula.

About this writer:

Cabu Gah