Comedian Owago Nyiro Becomes A Father. Shares Photos Then Deletes Them.
Comedian Owago Onyiro of the “Ichieni” aphorism is the latest dad in town.
On his social media he shared photos of the baby and the mother with a caption to the images that seemed to insinuate that he had become a father and now had two kids.
“Am happy to introduce my family to my loyal fans…….we got a bouncing baby boy on Tuesday night I am whom I am today because of your support Rule number one “Respect the mother of your child” Rule number two “Let them advice you but not decide for you” Last rule “Be yourself”..”
I don’t know why I have a strange feeling about the whole issue though, especially because the comedian later deleted the photos from Instagram leaving no trace of his family.
Of course we can speculate that it was probably at a neighbors house and Owago was just being cheeky, however the photos are of his house that he so religiously shares on his social media.
We shall supply more details on this story as soon as we get them.
We are not sure whether to congratulate him as he has already deleted the photos on social media. Wassup bro?? You okay?