Strange World: I have Had Sex With More Than 8700 Men! The Confessions Of A Kamba Lungula Addict

She does not even call herself a hoe anymore, she prefers it, a little more subtly put, – a sexual philanthropist. 

 Miriam Mutuku is a self confessed nymphomaniac- she is crazy about sex and prefers to enjoy her guilty pleasures at least 3 times a day, on a good day, the lady who is fast approaching 30 will have sex for more than 7 times- she loves her good days. 

Last week Martin and I left the office in search of this wondrous woman whose appetite for sex was insatiable. We made our way through the tight labyrinth of human  traffic and vehicles  and found ourselves  at Masimba, a little commune a few kilometers from Kayole. 

Masimba is itself a beehive of activity, there are just too many people littering the paths, hawking sugarcane in polythene bags, women on side-walks making chapati and Mahamri .. forget that. 

Miriam came to pick us up at  a butchery close to her house. 

We got her house alright and made ourselves comfortable in her sofa, the whole place smelled strangely of sex and a mix of exotic perfumes. We declined offers of drinks preferring instead to start out little interview. 

Ghafla:  Tell us your name and what you do for a living. 

Mirriam: I am Miriam, a retired nurse- I run a couple of business but most of the times I’m at the house, sipping sherry and having my bean worked on. 

Ghafla: Uhm tell us in passing, how many times do you have sex in a day? 

Miriam : Like you were told before, I basically  have a minimum of three “sessions” but I can scale it it up to more than 8 in a single day- those are my happiest days. 

Ghafla: That’s uhm, alot- okay is it with different people or just one man? 

Miriam: Yes, I love them young, dark and strong (awkward silence as she looked at Martin and licked her lips suggestively) 

Ghafla:  Estimate for us, the number of men you have had, eerm, you know.. 

Miriam: Sex with? Yes, I have had over 8700 men, at which I lost  count- It has been an exciting fetish, an incessant desire to bed young men that has stretched over ten years since I was 19. 

Ghafla: But that is too much sex for one person? 

Miriam:  Is it? Sex is to me what food is to you- I subsist on sex, that’s how it is, I can skip meals but not sex- I can’t say the same for the two of you, but that is what makes us different. 

Ghafla:  Is it a medical condition or does it stem from the fact that you’re Kamba? 

Miriam:  How many Kamba’s do you know who have bedded 8700 men and counting? 

Ghafla:  Well, none..  so moving on, have you ever been married? 

Miriam: Not to my knowledge, I do know though, a man that loved me but couldn’t meet my demand and we split ways- 

Ghafla: Would we be correct to call you a prostitute? 

Miriam: Prostitute is your face- I don’t like how the society has to append names to everything, I just love sex and I ,don’t even ask money for it! You can it whatever tickles your fancy.

Ghafla:  I think that will be all.. 

Miriam: Aything else that you young men would love help with? 

Ghafla: No, no at all- this will be all. 

I have never seen martin run so fast in his life. 




About this writer:

T. Magu