Unlike Obama, The POPE Chooses UON Over KU, 26th Is A Public Holiday And What To Expect From The Pope’s Visit.
Thursday the 26th Of November, the year of our Lord 2015, has been declared a national holiday from a directive that came from the president’s office a few minutes ago.
This will give people ample time to attend mass, pray and reflect on this a day. The directive from the president’s office read:
“The Government of Kenya has declared 26th November 2015 a Public Holiday and a National Day of Prayer and Reflection. As we are privileged to be hosting His Holiness the Pope at the time, he will set the tone for the day”
The Pope will jet into the country tomorow in the evening and attend dinner at statehouse with the president before his official tour the following day. While in the country, his plan is outlined as follows:
Starting tomorrow Mombasa Road or part of it is expected to be closed until the Pope and his team leave the airport to meet the president in State House. Part of Ngong road and valley road around spring valley will also be affected.
On Thursday, the traffic directive is that vehicles from Thika road will not go past Globe roundabout as University Way will be closed. Uhuru Highway will be closed too as will be Haille Sellasie at the roundabout where it joins Moi avenue.
For those who wont make to attend any of the sermons, stay home, be safe. Friday is a working day. Lest you forget. Otherwise have a prayerful
Thursday, to insist- pray, reflect and repent.