Hello,It’s Me… An Urgent Letter From God… To Nairobi’s Sexy Female Preachers…

Hello… It’s Me. The Lord God,the One whom you are supposed to be serving,worshiping and representing on that old,wicked haven you called Earth. And Yes, I still am who I am. I still am as powerful as you teach your followers I am. And I still am as Righteous as you definitely know I always have been.

Of late,in fact,for a very long time now,I’ve been silently watching you and your activities,scanning you and your heart,analyzing you and your motives. And honestly,I’ve been less than impressed.

You started off good… Or so I thought,until,out of nowhere,carnal desires took over your spiritual drive to serve me with diligence and truth.

I’m,to start with,particularly appalled by the carnal manner in which you conduct your social media business. You got onto social media to,ostensibly,draw masses to Me. That seemed to be your motive and even though I knew what truly drew you to that virtual world of sin and selfish indulgence,I let you onto to it. Yes,even let you flourish and attract quite a decent crowd of curious followers for yourselves.

But you,you undriven,broken souls,turned the venture into some self-glorifying avenue from which you’d spend days vain gloriously gloating over yourselves and your empty beauty.

And after the masses noticed you,especially the licentious,ungodly scoundrels,you let them in,ushered them into your world and let them gloat over you and your beauty.

You took their corporeal compliments to your hearts. You allowed them to call you sexy and to revel over you… You allowed these men to treat you like sexual objects,to rank you and to rate you and to fawn over you.

Buoyed by the flattering male attention you had all of a sudden started to command,you upped your games and even ventured into more beauty products… Filling your Facebook timelines with smutty photos of yourselves.. Smiling suggestively,dressed seductively and making some of the most terrestrial updates ever made by a woman.

You are supposed to be Preachers! You are supposed to be Pastors! Where did the fire go? Where did the zeal? The calling? The desire to imitate and take after The Christ go?

I see you!

I see you and groan over how carnal you’ve become. How utterly vile you have become.

You have cultivated your beauty to attract the World. You have taken after the trends of this unscrupulous World,posing like them,taking photos like them,talking like them and gravitating towards them for the lecherous sake of this godforsaken World.

I see you. I sit and see you… Taking the World for a ride,pretending to represent Me while all you really do is represent your selves. Your vain,conceited selves.

I see every Facebook update you make… Including the convenient,fallacious captions…

But for every Facebook update,why do you have to include YOUR photos? Your well-manicured,immaculately-choreographed photos?

90% of your social media updates are all made with an accompaniment of YOUR photos… You,alongside your flashy cars,magnificent buildings,tacky locations,enticing angles and aggrandizing facilities.

You’ve made your faces the basis of your Gospel. You’re more concerned about the fault in your facial make-up than the fault in the Body of Christ.

Even when you sing,it’s all because you’re madly in love with your own voices… You unashamed,trenchant narcissists. Drunk by the sound of your own voices. Consumed by the allure of your own gifts and glamor.

Beauty has taken over you. You’ve positioned yourselves as the ‘Sexy Pastors’, the ‘Hot’ women of God and the ‘Glamorous Prophetesses’.

You relish the titles. And you seem to be more consumed in looking sexy than spreading that word.

Of late,all you want to attract is the World. You seem to want to emerge as the hottest,the most glamorous and the funkiest ‘Women of God’ in town.

To you,looking ‘Hot’ and winning vain accolades from reprehensible mortals is all that matters.

You seem to want to be praised and fawned over and admired and noticed.

You even find time in your fleshly schedules to meet unchaste Politicians in their corruption-ridden offices just for the photo-Ops and the glory that comes with meeting these crusty,unscrupulous leaches later.

You should be ashamed of yourselves. As I am ashamed of you.

Choose,today,who Your master is. Is it me or the World!?

Am I the Number One concern in your lives or am I just a convenient excuse for you to carry on with your less-than-righteous activities,drawing the World to your mortal beauty,fighting for attention,dying to win over irreverent scoundrels and struggling to be crowned the ‘Sexiest Pastor In Nairobi’.

And even when they call you these titles,brand you these dirty but ingratiating names,do you ever stop them? Tell them that these names are reserved for the servants of the Flesh? Not the carriers of the Gospel?

Why do you allow these skanky men to praise you and reduce you to regular sexual objects? Without saying NO to them? And giving them NO reason to view you as such!?

I am highly disappointed in you,your vomitous culture and your sickening desire to show off. To parade your selves. Parade your beauty and flaunt your goodies to this World.

But you draw them on. You lead them on… With every photo you post,every update you make and every move you initiate.

You smile,not to heal,but to attract. You dress,not for modesty but to allure. You talk,not to teach but to impress. You move,not to serve but to rouse.

Men have reduced you into some sort of Godly sexual objects. And you’ve allowed them and even encouraged them…By the way you doll up yourselves,how you dress,the flamboyant hairs you wear,the ridiculously ostentatious nails you have and even the way you’ve packaged your overall image.

There’s NO difference between you and the so-called attention seeking Socialites. You’re just a church-based,less revealing version of them….But with the photos you post,of your affluence and polished looks and great hair and photos of you sitting in private planes,you’re really the Evangelistic version of a Socialite.

Oh,how I am saddened by you. And deeply dismayed by you.

Relish the titles,then. And the stupid,lustful attention.

Once you’re ready to REALLY serve me,and truly represent me,I’m spirit and truth,I will be waiting.

Your male counterparts have perfected the art of robbing the flock and carnally exploiting them.

You,the so-called ‘sexy’ women folk,have come to be loved and admired and fought over by the men. And the entire idolatrous Social media constituency.

Oh,what a horrible horrible day it is for me. To call you,female pastors,My remnants. And My only hope.

I hurt.


Click Next To See Some Of The Photos These So-Called Sexy Women Of God Post On Social Media



















Follow Prophetes Monicah on Facebook by clicking HERE.


Follow Rev. Lucy Natasha too,the proud sexiest pastor in Nairobi,HERE.

About this writer:

Cabu Gah