5 Struggles TV Girls Have When It Comes To Dating and May Be the Reasons Why They Prefer Remaining Single Instead Of Marrying

Being on TV is not all rainbows and butterflies as some recent developments in the TV scene prove.

It’s especially hard if you are a lady of the screen, people put you on a shaky pedestal of perfection and if you fall off that pedestal you end up vilified by the public.

But being an epitome of perfection is not the only problem these beautiful bombshells experience in life, today we look at some of the struggles that come with dating when you are on the A-list.

1. You Do Not Know Who Is Real or Fake

Some of the struggles that these belles deal with is differentiating who loves you for who you truly are and who loves that put-together trophy they see on TV. They also face that struggle of finding out if someone is genuinely interested or they just want some brownie points for smashing a TV girl.

2. People Are Intimidated

Some people are often intimidated by their success and the attention they get. So maybe there is a good guy who wants to genuinely date a TV girl but all the politicians and bigwigs falling at her feet can intimidate some of the most confident men.

3. Dating a Celebrity Is Not Easy

From the busy schedules, to their phone ringing at odd hours, to the hordes of fawning admirers to the pesky paparazzi, dating a TV girl is not always easy.Something which may put off some people.

4. Fear of Your Nudes Leaking To the Internet




Nothing trashes a TV girl’s career quite like a slew of saucy nudes. TV girls like Anita Fabiola and Kleith Kyatuhaire’s jobs were in jeopardy as soon after their nudes leaked. The people behind their leaks were people they once loved, their boyfriends who leaked their unclothes photos online after their break-up.

And the worst part is that your photos can leak to the internet and maybe you have not posed for them;someone may have set up a camera in their house or worse taken photos of you in the nude while you are asleep!

5. Their Spouses Can Get Insecure

From the crowds of admirers to the unwanted dick pics, to rumors of romantic liaisons with politicians, their spouses may be consumed with thoughts of them cheating.

About this writer:

Sue Watiri