Indeed Women Are Their Own Enemies, Only Two Apply For The Top Judiciary Position While Many Flock To The Deputy… (Full List Of APPLICANTS)

The one thing you will hear when any administrative post is up for grabs is why the deputy or vice chairperson position is almost by default reserved for the ladies.

Whether it is in Student politics, parastatals, executive jobs, private sector and just any other place where ladies and men are in contention for the top job, it is almost given that the second position will be a woman and the first reserved for competing men. Women have long used this trend for their argument that despite the many advances made to empower women, they still cannot break the glass ceiling to chair boards and head dockets, firms and organizations.

However, at times it appears they just fear the rigors that go into attaining the top seat. Modern ladies while enjoying better and allowing environments compared to their counterparts of yore seem to lack the guts to push and battle for the top positions. Instead they expect these to be handed to them through law. Before the ladies come out in droves consider the present case of the selection process for the next CJ.

There are many women lawyers in the country with equal and even better qualifications than a number of the men who have applied. However, only two have applied for the job while the rest have flocked to their ‘right’ the Deputy CJ post. The argument that they will not get it even if they apply does not hold water for a number of reasons.

It also helps root the notion that the second post is reserved for women and not even for their contribution but rather for gender equity. The panel can only select from candidates before them. Given such an open and scrutinized interview you would expect a number of qualified women to take part and put a strong case for Kenya’s first Lady Chief Justice.

Here is the full list of applicants for both the CJ and Deputy CJ post.

Chief Justice

1. Justice Alnashir Visram

2. Lady Justice Roselyne Nambuye

3. Justice Mbogholi Msagha

4. Prof. Makau Mutua

5  Justice Smokin Wanjala

6. Mr. David Mwaure Waihiga

7. Justice David Maraga

8. Dr. Isaac Rutenberg

9. Rtd Justice Aaron Ringera

10. Mr. Philip Nzamba Kitonga

11. Ms. Lucy Wanja Julius

12. Justice Prof. Jackton Ojwang

13. Mr. Kongani Udoto Kongani

14. Amb. Daniel Wambura

Deputy Chief Justice

1. Lady Justice Hannah Okwengu

2. Lady Justice Justice Abida Ali Aroni

3. Lady Justice Agnes Murgor

4. Lady Justice Wanjiru Karanja

5. Lady Justice Philomena Mwilu

6. Lady Justice Fatuma Sichale

7. Lady Justice Lydia Achode

8. Lady Justice Pauline Nyamweya

9. Lady Justice Martha Koome

10. Lady Justice Roselyne N. Nambuye

11. Ms. Surinder Kapila

12. Ms. Pamela Mwikali Tutui

13. Ms. Joyce Miguda Majiwa

14. Hon. Judith Wanjala

15. Mr. David Mwaure Waihiga

As you can clearly see, they would rather seat pretty and let status quo continue with it’s course. 


About this writer:

Liatema Munyu