“Palestine is not like South Africa. This is nonsense.”Museveni Speech Remarks That Had Him Shut Off In Israel’s State Radio For A Disjointed Speech

Yoweri Museveni has returned Uganda to the days of Amin when the Ugandan president was the source of embarrassment as he addressed heads of state and dignitaries.

When Netanyahu stepped in Uganda for the memorial of the Entebbe raid, Museveni kept on using Palestine in place of Israel to the embarrassment of everyone present. As if that was not enough he went on to lecture Benjamin Netenyahu on how Israel and Palestine should co-exist as two states something that requires Israel to recognize the independence of Palestine.

Netanyahu has long been an oppose for a free Palestine with all their older borders recognized, However, it appears Museveni did not care for that brief choosing instead to give unsolicited advice saying that the situation between Israel and Palestine is simply a small matter of neighbors who come from the same ancestry.

The president went on to quote the Bible and well as mention Israel enemies Iran as his friend. The Israeli State broadcaster Kol Yisrael (Voice of Israel)got enough of the speech and cut him off saying the speech was disjointed. Here are some quotes from Museveni’s speech

“Well, I have never mediated on the issue of Palestine, but if you invited me I would do so in the shortest of time,”

“Palestine is not like South Africa. This is nonsense.”

“The two of you [Israel, Palestine] belong to that area. You ought to agree to live side by side in two states.”

 “I often tell my Arab friends and Iranian friends that you are all mentioned in the Bible. We in Uganda are guided by the Bible.”

“Incidentally, you Israeli’s should know that a lot of Ugandans think that you are Christians,” 

About this writer:

Liatema Munyu