Battle Of The Millionaires…Uhuru’s Cousin And RMS Owner Macharia Fight Over 550 Million Property
Uhuru Kenyatta’s cousin Ngengi Muigai and the Chairman of Royal Media Services are engaged in quite a titanic battle over the ownership of a 100 acre piece of land near Karura Forest.
According to Ngengi Muigai, he was was part of the directors of Sceneries Limited a company which bought the piece of land in 1988. The other directors were SK Macharia and two other businessmen Mr Kibe and Mr.Karanja. he says that the other directors would later swindle him out of his share. His constant battles with Macharia led the National Land Commission to investigate how the company had come to sell the piece of land for 550 million to Kenya Re.
Mr. Macharia however has moved to court and is seeking the commission to be blocked from making a rule on the sale of the land. This is because he says he will have to pay back 550 m to Kenya Re and the issues raised by Muigai and his witnesses to the National Land Commission were done in his absentia.
However, Muigai has countered this saying not only was Macharia present but also he participated in the NLC proceedings. The two have been engaged in a battle for the land’s ownership since 1991 and now the fight has moved from NLC to the courts whose ruling on Macharia’s petition is awaited with 550 million at stake.