Here Is Your Chance Mafisilets! Kenyan Hunk Cop Loses Girlfriend After all The Hullabaloo about Him (Photo)
The Kenyan online platform is proving to be quite a rich source for instant celebrities and fame.
Whether it is by lust, love, hate, sarcasm or any other emotions, when your case is on you easily become a matter of national interest and if the interest is sustained in a number of days, once easily finds a way to the media houses for interviews. The thing with such unplanned fame, one is thrust into intensive scrutiny and public judgment it is hard not to fall and fall spectacularly.
The most recent case is that of Steve Karisa who made news and turned ladies’ heads with his muscled up physique and looks. A few days after causing quite a storm he revealed photos of him and his girlfriend. He went on to call his new found ‘fans’ to stop hitting on him as he was already taken. This was not taken well with the ladies who decided the young guy had suddenly grown horns.
He has now revealed that his girlfriend has left him after a misunderstanding and she doesn’t want him back. He is thus pleading with the ladies to give him time to allow him reconcile with the girlfriend. Here is a photo of him and the girlfriend.