Shock In The Village As Two Friends Swap Wives In Public Ceremony (Photo)

Residents in a village were treated to a spectacle usually reserved for adult movies and social clubs for the rich.

Usually such arrangements are in secret but this time round it was done in public and a means of a conflict resolution. Two friends, Mr. Steven Wesonga and David Woisi who are long time friends and business associates have been seeing each other’s wife for quite a long time.

To settle the extra marital affair, the two had a public ceremony in which they swapped the wives in front of witnesses. Some leaders who said they had given the go ahead supported the action saying it was the best and honest solution.

However, some residents of the Busati village in Sironko Uganda decried the action saying it set a wrong moral precedent. Here is a photo of Stephen Wesonga with his new wife during the ceremony.


Source Monitor Uganda

About this writer:

Liatema Munyu