Five Gospel Marriages Which Ended In Disastrous Divorces On Crazy Grounds From Infidelity, Watching P0rn To Withholding Conjugal Rights
It is said that the best ladies and men are found in church but even these are still mere mortals and at times the spirit fails and eve marriages that seem anchored on the good book end up disastrous.
While no divorce is ugly, a couple of the gospel bigwigs have unfortunately had far from civil divorces and based on at times wild allegations. Many did not have an issue washing the dirty linen in public and exchanging words on social media. Here are five such cases
Gloria Muliro And Pasto Omba
The couple married in 2009 and had their divorce in 2015. Pastor Omba who doubled up as Gloria Muliro husband was at fault here accused on infidelity, love of money, being violent and even at one time sending his wife to a friend’s home so that Gloria Muliro could learn hygiene and cooking. Pastor Omba has since been left to beg on social media while Gloria has moved on strength to strength free from her husband’s shackles.
Pastor Ng’ang’a and Loise Murugi Maina
Having left his first wife with whom they had 4 children it is safe to say Ng’ang’a is quickly becoming a veteran of the divorce road. He had a lavish wedding with Louis attended by several big shots including former VP Kalonzo Musyoka. However, early in 2015, Loise Murugi filed a divorce in court accusing Ng’ang’a of cheating on her, sleeping with church staff and even married women in the church. She also accused him of having been being a drunk and ever since the controversial pastor has been embroiled in a number of scandals.
Pastor/Bishop Kanyari and singer Betty Bayo
This is easily the most storied gospel couple in showbiz at the moment. They both rose from humble backgrounds as well as failing to finish their O levels and got married each having established their career paths. While the couple kept their issues under wraps, the straw that broke the camel’s back was Kanyari’s miracle scandal unearthed on Jicho Pevu. At this point Betty disowned the husband and the two moved their separate ways with plenty of bile being traded and each meeting their own fair share of other scandals.
Joan Wairimu and Bishop William Musyoki Mwangangi
Pastor Joan Wairimu is best known for her song Pambazuka na Yesu. She has been married with her husband Bishop Mwangangi in 1996 only for both of them to take each other in court seeking separation. Theirs has to be one of the filthiest divorce cases with counter accusations of porn watching, the husband said Joan was going out with their shamba boy while he was accused of sleeping with five women including house girls. He also accused her of denying him conjugal rights yet sad she would watch adult movies under the excuse of learning new styles.
Bishop George Kamunya and Pastor Esther Kamunya
The two were leaders in the Oasis of Grace Churches and had also quite an outrageous divorce case at Milimani Courts pastor Kamunya was the one who initiated the proceedings against her husband. She accused him of denying fathering their 2 daughters and going on to have extramarital affairs and denying her conjugal rights which led to her suffering emotionally and psychologically. The husband would later respond revealing that it was Esther who had run off from the marital home leaving him with children.
The cases above reveal, marriage is not a bed of roses you just jump in, whether men or women of cloth, there needs to be a total understanding and commitment.