After Her Husband Called Kenyans Thieves And Corrupt…Here Is What Margaret Did In US That Moved People To Tears

Margaret Kenyatta continues being the one person next to the president who is receiving accolade after accolade despite the major criticisms facing her husband’s administration.

This time round it is her performance abroad which has earned her the plaudits. She was in the USA getting support and

explaining her Beyond Zero campaign which already had made her quite popular. She gave a speech which so moved the hugely white audience to tears with her narration of the suffering of many women and what this cause was close to her heart. She earned her a standing ovation and pledges for support.

She spoke of how she could have taken the easy and ‘stately’ role of playing the First Lady but chose instead to focus on the suffering of Kenyan women by running the marathons. She has earned even more respect from the public and for a country starved off someone to truly define the role, is arguably Kenya’s best First Lady.. Here are photos of the first lady at the occasion















About this writer:

Liatema Munyu