Taxi Wars Turn Ugly! Uber Taxi Driver Attacked Car Set On Fire (Video)
Just when it seemed as if a solution was about to be reached in the Taxi wars with leading associations holding talks, thing have suddenly taken an ugly turn.
A Taxi driver working under Uber was attacked yesterday night and taken out of his vehicle beaten up before the assailants set his car on fire. The attack comes after weeks which had seen the traditional taxi drivers and companies issue threats to the Uber drivers.
It finally seems they decided to make an example from someone in an ugly act of failing to move with the times and market demands. The incident happened at Muringa Court along Kirichwa road and has sent shockwaves in the public with many still supporting the better alternatives Uber . Here is the sad video.
Uber taxi driver attacked just outside Muringa Court along Kirichwa road. Car set on fire.
Posted by Neel Akber on Sunday, February 21, 2016