This Is The Luxurious Breakfast That The Top Lady Celebrities Were Treated To By The First Lady

Margaret Kenyatta the adorable first lady is quite a host as she has proven time and again.

However, she just proved she can be quite indulging where her favorite interests lie and right now nothing beats her devotion to her pet project the Beyond Zero campaign in which she has sought the aid of leading female celebrities especially those in media circles.

She invited them for a breakfast meeting with her having made them stake holders in her campaign to reduce maternal deaths. Well, she sure knows how to throw a breakfast as she threw quite all the sweet things that even the health minded individuals could still find plenty to feast upon.

Part of the big names that were invited included Janet Mbugua, Sharon Mundia and Victoria Rubadiri. Here are the ladies enjoying what was quite a feast:


About this writer:

Liatema Munyu