“Nitakulima Sawa Sawa Kama Shamba Inapandwa” Senator. Muthama Threats Land Him In Hot Water (Video)

Everyday brings with it new drama but the political scene is just too hot for drama, it is becoming a major thriller source.

Just when you thought they had chilled up on their hate speech spewing rant sessions, one Senator Muthama decides to up the ante a little. Not in the person targetted as you cannot get higher than the first family but rather in the kind of threats dished.

The Senator in a rally dared an EACC official to a exchange of blows promising to really give the official quite a beating in the scale of a ploughed farm . This utterances have seen the Senator grace the KOT corridors as people wonder whether it is possible to prosecute and conclude cases of hate speech in Kenya.

Below is the video of Muthama’s utterances


About this writer:

Liatema Munyu