11 amazing things about a new mobile app that solves all your problems with your landlords
A new exciting user friendly app that is easier to navigate has been launched on android and IOS to make life easy for a typical Kenyan.
The Co-operative bank of Kenya has launched a new mobile app Mco-op Cash App that enables you to access a variety of banking, money transfer and payment services.
The problem of people being late on rent has been solved by Mco-op Cash. Co-operative bank of Kenya customers can pay their rents with their phones using Mco-op Cash. Or in the situation that you don’t have money to pay rent, you can get a quick loan from Mco-op Cash.
With Mco-op Cash, you will get a loan within a few minutes of applying then you can easily transfer the money to your M-Pesa or any other account for that matter. Basically Mco-op Cash helps you solve all the problems/issues you had with your landlords since you can never be late on rent payment.
Paying rents is not the only beautiful thing about Mco-op Cash, below are the other advantages of using Mco-op Cash:
1. Get a loan up to 150% of your net salary at an interest rate of only 1.16% per month with no hidden charges like facilitation fees or processing fees. (Mco-op Cash has the cheapest mobile loans in the market)
2. Pay your bills via Mco-op cash (KPLC, Nairobi Water, Zuku, DSTV, Star Times, Safaricom post paid) e.t.c
3. Pay school fees via the app
4. Pay Rent
5. Check you Co-op account balance
6. Transfer money to Mpesa via the app
7. Withdraw money from a Co-op ATM from your Mco-op cash app. So no need to panic if you forgot to carry your ATM card
8. You can also withdraw cash from a Co-op kwa jirani agent via MCo-op cash
9. You can do inter-bank transfers from you Mco-op cash
10. Get you co-op bank account mini-statement
11. Locate Co-op branches and ATM via the app