27th September 2016: 10 Things You Should Know This Morning
US presidential debate which was held today morning was characterized by personal insults. Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton traded burbs as each tried to get the better of the other. But it was the Democratic presidential nominee who came out strong as she put Trump on the defense over his temperament, refusal to release his taxes and his past comments about race and women. That aside, below are the trending stories:
#115 Terrifying Photos Of The Ill-Fated Rongai Nganya That Killed 4 People In Langata Yesterday
#4Pesa Oksida! Luo Man Throws A Luxurious 2 Day Birthday Party For His 3 Year Old Son (Photos)
#6Viuno Vya Nyigu: Here Are 8 Super-Endowed Female Celebrities with Impossibly Small Waists (Photos)
#7Popular Socialite Parades Cellulite Infested Thighs In A Make-up Free Photos