Drama as Kakamega Senator Boni Khalwale claps back at twitter user who asked that he show his mpango wa Kando after he posted a photo in a hotel bed full of rose petals
All residents of twitter Ville were yesterday, March 23rd treated to a major showdown between Kakamega senator Boni Khalwale and another twitter user by the name Gilbert aka Gillymzae.
The latter caused major embarrassment to the socialite senator when he asked him to show his followers the mpango wa kando who took a photo of him while he was in a hotel bed full of rose petals.
As most of you are well aware, the second annual legislative summit is currently underway for senators and MCA’s and we suspect that’s where the senator Boni Khalwale took the photo.
This is what he initially posted:
Finally checked in my Hotel waiting for our meeting to begin at 2pm pic.twitter.com/OdNRZW3dRS
— Boni Khalwale (@KBonimtetezi) March 22, 2017
And here is how Gilbert sub trolled him:
You don’t expect the Senator to take that lying down now do you? Of course he responded:
The question still lingers though…who exactly took the photo?