People Are Winning Crazy Money!!! Kawangware Woman Carries The Day In Pambazuka National Lottery

2 bob is winning people millions!! The winner of Wednesday’s Pambazuka National Lottery’s was an ordinary Kenyan from Nairobi.

Pambazuka National Lottery is dishing out money to lucky participants; a lucky housewife from Satellite, Kawangware area carried home as much money as she could.

Caroline Awino bought a ticket and she was invited to the studio on NTV. She participated in the money blowing challenge and she came out with Kes 24, 200.

How the money blowing challenge works is simple; you are inserted in a money blowing machine and money is blown to you. The money you are able to grasp when the countdown stops automatically becomes yours.

Caroline could only manage to seize Kes 24, 200 when she was inserted in the money blowing machine. Clink the link below to see how you can participate in Pambazuka National Lottery;

How to participate

Meanwhile watch the video below to see how Caroline won last Wednesday

About this writer:

Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere