Secure Vaults For Who? Socialite Lisa Martinez Uses An Insecure Steam Shower Room To Stash The Liquid Cash In Her Possession

Lisa Martinez’s ostentatious display of cash can warrant a robbery in her house.

Is it that she doesn’t trust banks or maybe she has more cash than banks could handle!

Lisa Martinez is quickly climbing up the ladder to join A-list socialites like Vera, Huddah and Corazon Kwamboka.

Lisa’s made a name for herself after she showed off huge sums of money that’s otherwise found in highly secured vaults in banks.

Apparently the moneylicious Lisa stashes her cash in an insecure steam shower room in her house. The liquid cash in her possessions is enough to fill a typical Kahawa wendani bathroom to the brim.

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Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere