This is the harrowing story of a mysterious man who parked a probox outside a popular Garage in Kikuyu with 4 dead bodies inside
There was drama in Kikuyu, a place called Gitaru when 4 dead bodies were discovered in a Toyota Probox parked outside a popular garage.
According to eye witness reports and the garage occupants, a mysterious man came in during morning hours of Wednesday (22nd Feb), parked the car and left without saying a word to anyone.
The car spent the whole day there until evening when the garage occupants had to close shop and that’s when they eventually paid attention to it.
They took a peep inside and that’s when they got the shock of their life.
4 dead bodies were perfectly arranged in the car; two in the back seat and two in the boot.
That’s when they raised the alarm and the area chief was called and in turn alerted the police.
According to Kikuyu police Chief Joseph Ongaya who spoke to the Nation, the bodies had head injuries that they suspected were caused by blunt objects. They didn’t have any form of identification.
Ongaya also highlighted that they were in search of this mysterious man who had quite the cojones.