While Kenyans Were Baying for Koffi Olomide’s Blood, A Man in Kayole Sets His Wife on Fire for Asking for Unga Ya Ugali

Last Friday, Kenyans took to Twitter to protest and demand for the arrest of Koffi Olomide after he was caught on camera kicking one of his dancers.

He was later arrested as he left Citizen TV Studio, his show at Bomas was cancelled and he was soon deported to his country.

Now Former Miss Kenya Shamillah Kiptoo is asking Kenyans to help fight the enemy within, the glaring cases of gender violence in disadvantaged areas.



In a lengthy post on social media, Shamillah asked Kenyans to help her after a woman in Kayole was set ablaze by her husband for asking him to buy maize flour. The problem is that this man has not been brought book since the police simply do not care.

This is what she wrote “So, when y’all done prosecuting one mopao… Please join me in having at least 40 men arrested in Kayole plus have the police station closed down permanently. Today, a 2nd lady got burnt in her home last night after requesting her hubby to buy maize meal for dinner… The obvious quarreling happened, nigger locked her in and lit the house on fire. She’s in icu now. Hope she makes it…., The other one died.

The man, very much free without a care.

40 ladies is the number I can feed and shelter for now with proceeds from #‎shammysorganics. The rest, I pray for. That’s Kayole only… Imagine Dandora, Umoja, Kawangware, Kibera etc etc etc

The police don’t give 2sh*ts!! I’ve become a regular now. Most times, they wish me luck and say “hii ni shida ya maskini”

So, can all the “energy and power” I saw used for PR purposes be used to help our own? Asking for my survivors.

About this writer:

Sue Watiri