Sensational anti-Kikuyu Facebook post by Ouma Oluga sparks fracas and the Star’s Oliver Mathenge is dragged right into the mess
He warned Kikuyus about Rwanda-style revolution against them in the near or distant future saying that Kenya will have to be rebuilt.
Ouma Oluga, secretary general of the Kenya Medical Practitioners, Pharmacists and Dentists Union (KMPDU) has been put on spot over comments made on Facebook in 2014.
The sensational posts only surfaced online a day after the KMPDU secretary general was released from prison following court sentence that saw all doctors’ leaders sent to prisons.

In the posts, Oluga warns Kikuyus that their reign would came crashing like what was witnessed in Rwanda in 1994.
Facebook pundits have however discredited the posts by Oluga saying the posts were the work of Uthamaki which was aimed at maiming Oluga’s reputation for articulating doctors’ needs.
Some of the posts alleged to be Oluga’s work were backdated to 1992 when Facebook itself didn’t even exist.
The Star journalist Oliver Mathenge was said to be the one behind the fake Facebook posts aimed at portraying Oluga as a tribal bigot.