Saumu Mbuvu’s Aspring Politician Boyfriend Demonstrates His Financial Might With Six Figure Monetary Reward He Gave Her As a Graduation Present (Photos)

Saumi Mbuvi recently graduated from JKUAT and her boyfriend has since spoilt her with a six figure monetary reward!

Saumu Mbuvi is dating a man whose financial might can’t match her father’s flamboyance from a far distance.

It was love at the first sight for Saumu and Benson Gatu when they met at a moot court Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT) for the first time in 2013.

Their love has since grown stronger as marriage is the next major step the two lovebirds will be taking to seal their love. In an interview with SDE, Saumu and Benson revealed how much they love each other.

Benson who is a lawyer-cum-businessman, revealed he has political ambitions with eyes set for a political seat in his rural home in Mathioya or Juja.

Saumu’s boyfriend also told SDE that they (Saumu and he) were currently focusing on establishing their careers before they could start planning for their wedding.

Benson recently spoilt Saumu with a Kes 250,000 monetary reward as her graduation present and as we have since established he was given a chance to introduce himself to the guests during the graduation party.


Saumu and Benson

About this writer:

Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere