Caroline Mutoko scoffs at Kes 3.5 million wedding planned for couple who got married for 100 bob
The former radio queen is shocked Wilson Wanjohi Mutura and his wife Anne Muhonja will walk down the aisle in a wedding that will cost 3.5 million.
Well-wishers decided that Kes 100 couple should redo their wedding only that this time round their wedding will cost millions of shillings.
Caroline Mutoko is shocked well-wishers want to throw away 3.5 million to Wilson and Anne’s wedding instead of giving them the cash which she says will liberate them from poverty.
The former radio queen tweeted to express her frustrations with the planned Kes 3.5 million wedding for Wilson and Anne.
“So this couple wedded for 100/- We’ve decided NO! NO! we’ll throw you a 3.5m wedding & then let you walk back into your poverty. Why? Why?” Caroline Mutoko tweeted.
Caroline seems to be oblivious of the fact that other well-wishers have pledged financial assistance to the Kes 100 wedding couple.