Popular DJ Spills the beans on how he has managed to remain youthful and energetic through out the years. This is what he has to do everyday
He has a career spanning over 20 years and is categorized as one of the legends in the Kenyan DJ Space but DJ Pinye doesn’t look a day over 26.
Considering the drinking, the drugs, the girls and everything else that comes with the party life, it’s a little surprising he has managed to remain youthful and energetic throughout the years.
Fortunately, you don’t have to wonder no more as he will be spilling the beans over this week and he kicked it off by letting us in into his world swimming which is a major component of his life.
“Swimming everyday is a huge part of my lifestyle. Years back i got a bad injury while running, a friend advised me to take up swimming. I went for swimming lessons and now i can easily do all strokes.” He posted before also letting us know what’s in store for the week: